Совершенно новая вкладка, содержащая достижения, касающиеся различных биомов, включая океан
Список всех достижений в ветке "Биомы"
перевод потом будет, пока что хотя бы так
All around the world!
Either kill or get killed by a mob
For you, my sweet
Pick a flower for someone special
Obtain any flower
There's a zombie on the lawn!
Find a sunflower plains
For you, my sweet
Enter a sunflower plains biome
Enchanted Forest
Find a flower forest
There's a zombie on the lawn!
Enter a flower forest biome
Flower Power
Collect all types of flowers
Enchanted Forest
See requirement notes below
The Mighty Jungle
Go for a safari in the jungle
For you, my sweet
Enter any jungle biome (including bamboo jungle biomes)
Swing (or climb) on some vines
The Mighty Jungle
Enter a vine block
Lion Hunter
Feed an Ocelot fish to try and gain its trust
Breed a baby ocelot
Lion Hunter
Break down some bamboo
Obtain bamboo
Construction Worker
Craft and use some scaffolding
Place scaffolding
Top of the World
Place scaffolding to the world limit
Construction Worker
Place scaffolding at y=319 in the Overworld or y=255 in the Nether or End
Breed two pandas to get a baby panda
Construction Worker
Kung Fu Panda!
Get beaten up by an angry panda
Get killed by a panda
Edge of the Jungle
Enter a Modified Jungle Edge - the rarest biome in Minecraft
Kung Fu Panda!
Breed a rare brown panda
Breed two pandas and have the offspring be a brown panda
Feed cake to every type of panda
Have all seven panda personalities pick up cake that you dropped on the ground
Smooth Operator
Slip and slide on some ice
Step on ice
This Snow is Snowier
Fall into some Powder Snow
Smooth Operator
Enter a block of powder snow
Light as a Rabbit
Walk on Powder Snow… without sinking in it
This Snow is Snowier
Walk on powder snow while wearing Leather Boots
Captain America
Get completely frozen inside two blocks of Powder Snow for a loooong time. Big question is: Can you do this all day?
Light as a Rabbit
For 20 minutes in a row, stand inside two blocks of Powder Snow (one at your feet, one at your head) without wearing any leather armor (such that you're taking damage from freezing)
Pick up some Powder Snow in a Bucket
This Snow is Snowier
Thin Ice!
Mine some ice using a silk touch pickaxe
Obtain ice
Spike Ice!
Break down an ice spike using a silk touch pickaxe
Thin Ice!
Obtain packed ice
Thick Ice!
Craft or mine a blue ice block from an iceberg
Spike Ice!
Obtain blue ice
Everybody Loves Ice!
Obtain a stack of every type of ice in your inventory
Thick Ice!
Obtain 64 ice, 64 packed ice, and 64 blue ice
It may be illegal to hunt polar bears in real life, but not in Minecraft
Thin Ice!
Kill a polar bear
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Get hunted by a Polar Bear
Get killed by a polar bear
Just Keep Swimming
Go for a swim
Enter water
The sea calls you...
Find an ocean
Just Keep Swimming
Enter any ocean biome (See note 8)
Boaty McBoatface
Craft and ride a boat to sail on the high seas
The sea calls you...
Enter a boat or chest boat
Dive Bomb
Dive into water from a cliff at least 50 blocks tall
Boaty McBoatface
Fall at least 50 blocks and land in water
Free Diver
Stay underwater for 2 minutes
Dive Bomb
See warning below
Sleep with the Fishes
Spend a day underwater
Free Diver
See warning below
Cargo Carrier
Ride a Boat with a Chest in it
Boaty McBoatface
Enter a chest boat
Give a Dolphin something to play with
Cargo Carrier
Have a Dolphin nudge an item that you threw
Dolphin Dasher
Get a speed boost from your friendly underwater companions
Get the Dolphin's Grace effect
So Long & Thanks For The Fish
Get murdered by dolphins
Dolphin Dasher
The Great Blocky Reef
Come across a coral reef in an ocean
Dolphin Dasher
Enter a Warm Ocean biome
In a Pickle
Collect some sea pickles from a coral reef
The Great Blocky Reef
Obtain sea pickles
Just a sample
Collect some coral from a coral reef
In a Pickle
Obtain dead or living coral, coral fan or coral block in any color
No Reefing!
Collect all colors of coral blocks, coral plants and coral fans (including dead ones)
Just a sample
See requirement notes below
Feed a dolphin fish to have it lead you to treasure
Dolphin Dasher
Pushed Around
Enter a bubble column
Explore some Underwater Ruins
Pushed Around
Enter an Ocean Ruin
Come across a sunken ship
Get in a boat within a shipwreck
Get Ship-rekt!
Start riding a boat that is inside a shipwreck
Find a shipwreck in an iceberg biome
Enter a Shipwreck in a Frozen Ocean or Deep Frozen Ocean biome
X Marks the Spot
Use a treasure map to find Buried Treasure
Get Ship-rekt!
Open a Buried Treasure chest for the first time
Construct a Conduit in the ocean
X Marks the Spot
Kilometre Walk
Travel at least 1000 blocks from the centre of the world in any direction. It's not that far in real life
Travel beyond 1000 or -1000 in the x or z direction
Ten Thousand Blocks
Travel at least 10,000 blocks from the centre of the world in any direction. A journey that long begins with a simple step
Kilometre Walk
Travel beyond 10000 or -10000 in the x or z direction
A hundred kilometres!
Travel beyond 100000 or -100000 in the x or z direction
One with the forest
Discover every forest biome
Kilometre Walk
See requirement notes below
Warm Feet
Discover every dry biome
One with the forest
See requirement notes below
Cold Feet
Discover every snow biome
Warm Feet
See requirement notes below
Discover every overgrown biome
Cold Feet
See requirement notes below
High Feet
Discover every mountain biome
See requirement notes below
Wet Feet
Discover every wet biome
High Feet
See requirement notes below
Adventuring Time
Discover each type of surface biome in the Overworld
Wet Feet
See requirement notes below
Полные примечания к требованиям
Flower Power
Obtain the following items: Dandelion, Poppy, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, White Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Sunflower, Lilac, Rose Bush, Peony, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose
No Reefing!
Obtain the following items: All five colors of both living and dead coral plants, coral fans and coral blocks
One with the forest
Enter the following biomes: Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Tall Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Plains, Sunflower Plains, Taiga, Giant Tree Taiga and Giant Spruce Taiga
Warm Feet
Enter the following biomes: Desert, Savanna, Savanna Plateau, Windswept Savanna, Badlands, Eroded Badlands and Wooded Badlands Plateau
Cold Feet
Enter the following biomes: Snowy Tundra, Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga, Frozen River, and Snowy Beach
Enter the following biomes: Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, Jungle, Jungle Edge, Bamboo Jungle and Mushroom Fields
High Feet
Enter the following biomes: Stone Shore, Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills, Meadow, Grove, Snowy Slopes, Frozen Peaks, Jagged Peaks and Stony Peaks
Wet Feet
Enter the following biomes: Enter a Ocean, Deep Ocean, River, Beach, Cold Ocean, Deep Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean, Deep Frozen Ocean, Lukewarm Ocean, Deep Lukewarm Ocean and Warm Ocean
Adventuring Time!
Enter at least one biome of the following categories: Snowy Tundra, Snowy Taiga, Windswept Hills, Taiga, Giant Tree Taiga, Plains, Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Swamp, Jungle, River, Beach, Mushroom Fields, Desert, Savanna, Badlands, Warm Ocean, Lukewarm Ocean, Ocean, Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean, Meadow, Snowy Slopes/Grove, Peaks
Free Diver & Sleep with the Fishes
Warning: The counter may reset if you pass through or close to certain waterlogged blocks that can be placed out of water such as coral, coral fans, sea pickles, or other manufactured blocks like slab, ladders or trapdoors placed underwater Waterloggable blocks that cannot be placed out of water (kelp and seagrass) will not cause the counter to reset
Last updated