Достижения, связанные с добычей руд, из стандартной вкладки «Minecraft» были взяты и значительно расширены во вкладке «Майнинг» с добавлением дополнительных достижений
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Достижения, связанные с добычей руд, из стандартной вкладки «Minecraft» были взяты и значительно расширены во вкладке «Майнинг» с добавлением дополнительных достижений
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перевод потом будет, пока что хотя бы так
Dig underground, gather resources
Obtain a pickaxe
Stone Age
Mine stone with your new pickaxe
Obtain a block of cobblestone, stone, cobbled deepslate, deepslate, or blackstone
Discover every cave biome
Stone Age
Enter the following biomes: Lush Caves, Dripstone Caves and Deep Dark
This Dirt is Dirtier
Dig through some Rooted Dirt beneath an Azalea Tree so you can find a Lush Cave
Stone Age
Leaflet Drop
Fall through a Big Dripleaf
This Dirt is Dirtier
Enter a big dripleaf block while its tilt is fully down
A Shiny Treat
Eat some Glow Berries
Leaflet Drop
Particle Fan
Obtain a Spore Blossom
A Shiny Treat
Moss Maker
Use Bone Meal on Moss to spread its wonderful lushness across hard blocks of stone
This Dirt is Dirtier
Use Bone Meal on a Moss Block
Obtain an Azalea
Moss Maker
Obtain either an Azalea or a Flowering Azalea
Lush Hour
Obtain a stack of all lush-related blocks
See requirement notes below
Heart of Darkness
Submerge yourself in complete darkness
Stone Age
Enter a block where the light level is 0
My work here is done
Get caught in a cave-in of gravel
Heart of Darkness
Enter a block of gravel
Accidentally hit a bat underground
My work here is done
Blind as a Bat
Kill a Bat while under the blindness or darkness effect
Pixel Perfect
Use a Spyglass to stare at a bat from at least 50 blocks away
Blind as a Bat
Meet the Flintstones
Dig up some flint from a patch of gravel
My work here is done
Obtain flint
Strike a Light
Craft Flint and Steel and use it to light the ground on fire
Meet the Flintstones
Flint Miner
Dig up 64 pieces of flint
Strike a Light
Bonfire Night
Light every flammable block on fire
Flint Miner
Dungeons and Spawners
Open a chest in a dungeon deep underground
Heart of Darkness
Open a Dungeon loot chest that has not been opened before
This is Mine Now!
Find an abandoned mineshaft that was not dug out by you
Dungeons and Spawners
Enter an abandoned mineshaft
Gold Mine!
Find a mineshaft on the surface in a mesa biome
This is Mine Now!
Enter an abandoned mineshaft above y=64 in any badlands biome
Get stuck in a spider web
Gold Mine!
Enter a cobweb
Steals on Wheels
Loot a minecart chest from an Abandoned Mineshaft
Open a Mineshaft loot chest that has not been opened before
Lichen Subscribe
Use shears to obtain Glow Lichen from an underground cave
Heart of Darkness
That's the point!
Obtain some Pointed Dripstone from a Dripstone Cave
Lichen Subscribe
Dripstone Drop
Survive a fall of at least 10 blocks onto some Pointed Dripstone
That's the point!
The pointed dripstone cannot be waterlogged
Lucky Break
Survive a long fall with just a sliver of health remaining
Dripstone Drop
Fall at least 15 blocks and have 1 or 2 health remaining upon landing
Caves & Cliffs
Free fall from the top of the world (build limit) to the bottom of the world and survive
Rock Bottom
Drop from a point above y-level 319 and land below y-level -59
Deep Slate Nine
Mine deep enough that the stone darkens
Lichen Subscribe
Go below y-level 5.5 in the Overworld
Tuff Stuff
Mine some Tuff in the deep underground
Deep Slate Nine
Obtain tuff
Rock Bottom
Dig down to the bottom of the world
Isn't It Iron Pick
Go below y-level -59.5 in the Overworld
Bottom to Top
Place every cave block at the very top of the world
Rock Bottom
See requirement notes below
Sneak 100
Sneak near something in the Deep Dark to prevent being heard
Deep Slate Nine
Sneak in a way that you avoid making a vibration near a Sculk Sensor, Shrieker, or Warden
It spreads!
Kill a mob near a Sculk Catalyst
Sneak 100
Shriek Forever After
Trigger a Sculk Shrieker in the Deep Dark. Might not want to do that too many more times…
It spreads!
Receive the Darkness effect
Vibe Check
Use Silk Touch to pick up a Sculk Sensor or find one among Ancient City treasure
Shriek Forever After
Obtain a Sculk Sensor
The Block of Eternal Screaming
Use Silk Touch to pick up a Sculk Shrieker
Vibe Check
Obtain a Sculk Shrieker
The Incredible Sculk
Collect a stack of all sculk-related blocks
The Block of Eternal Screaming
Collect a stack of: Sculk, Sculk Veins, Sculk Sensors, Sculk Catalysts and Sculk Shriekers
Sculker Box
Hold a Shulker Box that is completely filled with Sculk
The Incredible Sculk
Kill a Wither near a Sculk Catalyst to unleash a large explosion of sculk
The Block of Eternal Screaming
Monstrous Sacrifices
Kill every hostile monster near a Sculk Catalyst
See the requirement notes for "Monsters Hunted" in the Adventure tab. Ender Dragon is not required
Fallen Kingdom
Find and enter an Ancient City deep underground
Shriek Forever After
Frigid Diversions
Loot a chest inside an ice box in an Ancient City
Fallen Kingdom
Generate the loot of an ancient city ice box chest (i.e. you must be the first to open it)
Death Pointer
Using Echo Shards found in Ancient Cities, craft a Recovery Compass
Fallen Kingdom
Obtain a Recovery Compass
9 to 5
Collect enough Disc Fragments to craft another producer of mysterious sounds
Death Pointer
Obtain Music Disc 5
Collect a stack of Echo Shards
Death Pointer
Getting an Upgrade
Construct a better pickaxe
Stone Age
Obtain a stone pickaxe
MOAR Tools
Craft a stone pickaxe, axe, shovel and hoe
Getting an Upgrade
Aww it broke!
Break your first tool
MOAR Tools
Chestful of Cobblestone
Mine 1728 cobblestone, place it in a chest, then stand on it in victory
MOAR Tools
27 stacks of 64 cobblestone in a single chest. You must stand on top of the chest
Destroy a total of 10,000 blocks of stone
Chestful of Cobblestone
Mine a total of 10,000 blocks of stone
Fossil Fuel
Coal! As in dead dinosaurs!
Getting an Upgrade
Obtain coal
Coal Miner
Mine a stack of coal
Fossil Fuel
Master Coal Miner
Mine enough coal to make a stack of coal blocks
Coal Miner
Hot Topic
Construct a furnace out of eight stone blocks
Fossil Fuel
Renewable Energy
Smelt wood trunks using charcoal to make more charcoal
Hot Topic
Obtain charcoal
Smokin' Hot
Upgrade your furnace to a smoker using some logs
Renewable Energy
Coppers and Robbers
Smelt a Copper Ingot
Renewable Energy
Obtain a copper ingot
Budget Channeling
Craft a Lightning Rod using Copper Ingots
Coppers and Robbers
Obtain a lightning rod
Surge Protector
Protect a villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire
Budget Channeling
Have lightning strike a lightning rod with a villager standing at a safe distance away
Called Shot
Get struck by lightning while standing on a Lightning Rod
Surge Protector
Don't Come a Copper!
Craft some Cut Copper
Coppers and Robbers
Obtain any block with the word "Cut Copper" in it (so it can be any oxidisation state, can be waxed, and can be a slab or stairs)
Wax On
Use Honeycombs to wax a Copper Block, preventing it from oxidising
Don't Come a Copper!
Obtain any waxed copper block OR use a honeycomb on any unwaxed copper block
Wax Off
Use an axe to scrape wax off of a Copper Block
Wax On
Use an axe on any waxed copper block
The Statue of Liberty
Obtain a fully oxidized Block of Copper
Wax Off
Obtain any type of copper block that is fully oxidized
Sly Copper: The Copper Heist
Collect a stack of every oxidizing stage of Copper Block, Cut Copper, Cut Copper Slabs and Stairs, and the waxed variants of them all
The Statue of Liberty
See requirement notes below
Copper Miner
Mine a stack of Raw Copper
Don't Come a Copper!
Master Copper Miner
Mine enough copper to make a stack of Copper Blocks
Copper Miner
Obtain 64 unoxidized, unwaxed Blocks of Copper
Acquire Hardware
Smelt an iron ingot
Renewable Energy
Obtain an iron ingot
Not Chicken McNuggets?
Craft or find iron nuggets
Acquire Hardware
Isn't It Iron Pick
Upgrade your pickaxe
Acquire Hardware
Obtain an iron pickaxe
Suit Up
Protect yourself with a piece of iron armor
Isn't It Iron Pick
Wear either an iron helmet, chestplate, leggings, or boots
Iron Man
Craft a full suit of iron armor
Suit Up
Wear an iron helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots at the same time
Iron Miner
Mine a stack of Raw Iron
Iron Man
Master Iron Miner
Mine enough iron to make a stack of iron blocks
Iron Miner
Gold Rush
Smelt a gold ingot
Isn't It Iron Pick
Obtain a gold ingot
Living Like Kings
Make golden armor
Gold Rush
Wear either a golden helmet, chestplate, leggings or boots
The Mistake!
Put Mending on a piece of golden armor and realise what you are doing in life
Living Like Kings
Obtain a golden helmet, chestplate, leggings or boots enchanted with Mending
Gold Miner
Mine a stack of Raw Gold
Living Like Kings
Master Gold Miner
Mine enough gold to make a stack of gold blocks
Master Gold Miner
Bling Bling Gone
Completely use up a golden pickaxe and then seriously reevaluate your life choices
Living Like Kings
Break a golden pickaxe
We've broken our last shovel
Break all six types of shovels
Bling Bling Gone
Break a wooden, stone, iron, golden, diamond and netherite shovel
MOAR Broken Tools
Break every single tool in the game
We've broken our last shovel
See requirement notes below
Where are all your clothes?
Break every type of armor piece in the game
We've broken our last shovel
See requirement notes below
DIAM- oh wait no
It's still useful for enchanting
Isn't It Iron Pick
Obtain lapis lazuli
Lapis Lazuli Miner
Mine enough lapis lazuli to craft a stack of lapis lazuli blocks
DIAM- oh wait no
Seeing Red
Mine some redstone from the deepest caves
Isn't It Iron Pick
Obtain redstone dust
The way to spawn
Craft a compass in case you forgot where spawn is
Seeing Red
Obtain a compass
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Time to clean your clocks! (Or, craft them)
The way to spawn
Obtain a clock
Redstone Miner
Mine enough redstone to craft a stack of redstone blocks
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
G.I. Geode
Find an Amethyst Geode and mine an Amethyst Cluster
Isn't It Iron Pick
Obtain an amethyst shard
Good For Your Bones
Mine some Calcite encasing an Amethyst Geode
G.I. Geode
Obtain calcite
Galileo Figaro
Zoom in on something using a Spyglass
G.I. Geode
Zoom in using a spyglass
Craft Tinted Glass using Glass and Amethyst Shards and use it to block out light
Galileo Figaro
Place tinted glass
Amethyst Miner
Mine a stack of Amethyst Blocks, Amethyst Clusters, and every size of Amethyst Bud
Obtain 64 Amethyst Blocks, Clusters, and Small, Medium and Large Amethyst Buds
Obtain diamonds
Isn't It Iron Pick
Iconic Merchandising Prop
Create a pickaxe of the highest calibre
Obtain a diamond pickaxe
Do you like my sword sword?
Iconic Merchandising Prop
Obtain a diamond sword
Even MOAR tools
Craft a full diamond tools set
Craft a diamond pickaxe, shovel, axe and hoe
Rest in Pickaxes
Break your first diamond pickaxe
Even MOAR tools
Cover Me With Diamonds
Diamond armor saves lives
Iconic Merchandising Prop
Wear either a diamond helmet, chestplate, leggings, or boots
Diamond Clad
Craft a full suit of diamond armor
Cover Me With Diamonds
Wear a diamond helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots at the same time
Diamond Miner
Mine a stack of diamonds. Good luck!
Diamond Clad
Diamonds to you!
Throw diamonds at another player or mob
Diamond Miner
Throw a diamond and have any other entity pick it up
Mineral Collection
Craft every type of mineral block
Diamond Miner
See requirement notes below
Master Diamond Miner
Mine enough diamond to make a stack of diamond blocks
Mineral Collection
Mr. Bean
Craft a stack of Raw Iron, Copper and Gold Blocks
Mineral Collection
Emerald Miner
Mine a stack of raw emerald ore
Diamond Miner
Obtain 64 Emerald Ore or 64 Deepslate Emerald Ore
Mine a stack of every ore block
Emerald Miner
See requirement notes below
Hot Stuff
Fill a bucket with lava
Iconic Merchandising Prop
Obtain a lava bucket
Ice Bucket Challenge
Form and mine a block of obsidian
Hot Stuff
Obtain a block of obsidian
Craft an enchanting table
Ice Bucket Challenge
We Need to Go Deeper
Build, light and enter a Nether Portal
Ice Bucket Challenge
Enter a nether portal block
Obsidian Miner
Mine a stack of obsidian. (This might take a while...)
We Need to Go Deeper
Lush Hour
Obtain a stack of: Small Dripleaf, Big Dripleaf, Moss Carpet, Moss Block, Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Azalea Leaves, Flowering Azalea Leaves, Rooted Dirt, Hanging Roots, Spore Blossoms
Bottom to Top
Place at y-level 319: Stone, Granite, Andesite, Diorite, Gravel, Dirt, Deepslate, Tuff, Moss, Moss Carpet, Clay, Dripstone, Pointed Dripstone, Sculk
Sly Copper: The Copper Heist
Obtain a stack of: Copper Blocks, Cut Copper, Cut Copper Stairs, Cut Copper Slabs, in all four oxidization stages, and in all four waxed stages
MOAR Broken Tools
Break the following tools: Wooden, Stone, Golden, Iron, Diamond and Netherite Shovels, Pickaxes, Axes, Hoes and Swords, Fishing Rod, Bow, Shield, Trident, Crossbow, Carrot on a Stick, Shears, Flint and Steel, Warped Fungus on a Stick
Where are all your clothes?
Break the following pieces of armor: Leather, Golden, Chain, Iron, Diamond and Netherite Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, and Boots, Turtle Shell and Elytra
Mineral Collection
Obtain a block of: Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz, Netherite, Copper, Amethyst, Raw Iron, Raw Gold and Raw Copper
Obtain a stack of: Coal Ore, Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Redstone Ore, Lapis Lazuli Ore, Diamond Ore, Emerald Ore, Nether Quartz Ore, Nether Gold Ore, Ancient Debris, and Deepslate Coal, Copper, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Redstone and Lapis Lazuli Ores. Deepslate Emerald Ore is not required