Cовершенно новая вкладка, посвященная созданию и строительству с использованием различных блоков
Last updated
Cовершенно новая вкладка, посвященная созданию и строительству с использованием различных блоков
Last updated
перевод потом будет, пока что хотя бы так
Your only limit is your imagination... and resources
Place any block
Your Door Was Locked
Craft a door to stop monsters from entering your house
Obtain any type of door (can be an iron door)
Cut In Half
Craft some slabs
Your Door Was Locked
Obtain any kind of slab
Stairs? NOOOOO!
Craft some stairs
Cut In Half
Obtain any kind of stairs
Slabs For Days
Craft every type of slab
Fake monument
See requirement notes below
Ah, My Old Enemy...
Craft every type of stair
Slabs For Days
See requirement notes below
Sweet Dreams
Sleep in a bed to change your respawn point
Your Door Was Locked
Sleep in a bed. You do not have to pass the night
Change of Sheets
Dye your bed a different color
Sweet Dreams
Obtain a bed of any color other than white
Rainbow Dreams
Craft every color of bed
Change of Sheets
Go 30 days without sleep
Rainbow Dreams
Ladder Climbers Inc.
Climb the ladder!
Your Door Was Locked
Enter a ladder block
It's a Trap!
Craft and place down a trapdoor
Ladder Climbers Inc.
Place any type of trapdoor (can be an iron trapdoor)
Aaaaaand... OPEN!
Craft and place an iron door
It's a Trap!
Place an iron door
En Garde
Erect some fencing
Your Door Was Locked
Place any type of fence (can be nether brick fence)
The Walls
Put up some cobblestone walls
En Garde
Place a cobblestone wall
Crazy Walls
Craft every type of wall
The Walls
See requirement notes below
Stationary Storage
Craft and place a chest for storing your items
Your Door Was Locked
Place a chest
It's a Sign
Craft and place a sign
Stationary Storage
Place any type of sign
Colors of the Wind
Dye a sign with each color of dye
It's a Sign
Use all 16 dyes on any sign
Barrel Rider
Craft and place a barrel. Totally not for riding in
It's a Sign
Place a barrel
Writer's Block
Craft a lectern using wooden slabs and a bookshelf then place it
Barrel Rider
Place a lectern
A Masterpiece!
Put up a painting
It's a Sign
Place a painting
Craft and place an armor stand
A Masterpiece!
Place an armor stand
Living Dummy
Get killed from hitting an Armor Stand
Get killed by thorns damage from an Armor Stand that is equipped with Thorns-enchanted armor
Armor Display
Place all six sets of armor on six different armor stands
Living Dummy
Place a full suit of each of the six armors on an armor stand
Art Gallery
Place every type of painting
A Masterpiece!
Help! I've been framed!
Craft an item frame for displaying your items
A Masterpiece!
Obtain an item frame
Raise the flag!
Craft and place a banner
Display your items for all to see...
No Banner, only Color!
Craft all 16 banner colors
Raise the flag!
Prepare to Meet Your Loom!
Craft a loom with string and planks for creating your own banners
Raise the flag!
Obtain a loom
Fruit of the Looms
Craft all the special banner patterns
Prepare to Meet Your Loom!
See requirement notes below
Light up the area with some torches
Stationary Storage
Place a torch
Camping Out
Craft and place a campfire using some logs, sticks and coal
Delicious, Hot Schmoes!
Place every type of cookable food on a campfire
Camping Out
See requirement notes below
Spawn Camping
Travel close to 0,0 coordinates and place down a campfire
Delicious, Hot Schmoes!
Place a campfire with x and z coordinates both being between -10 and 10
Light up with jack o' lanterns!
Place a jack o' lantern
One Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, Four
Place four sea pickles in a group underwater
Place a sea pickle on top of three existing sea pickles to create a group of four
Setting up the mood
Place a candle and light it using Flint and Steel
One Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, Four
Light any type of candle using either Flint and Steel or a Fire Charge
The Ritual Begins
Get one stack of Black Candles
Setting up the mood
Happy Birthday!
Place a candle on a cake
Setting up the mood
Festival of Lights
Light up the area using a lantern
Place a lantern
Light up the area with glowstone
Festival of Lights
Place a glowstone block
Light up the area with some redstone lamps
Place a redstone lamp
Shroom Lightyear
Light up the area with Shroomlight!
Place a shroomlight
Light up the area with soul fire torches and soul fire lanterns!
Shroom Lightyear
Place a soul fire torch and a soul fire lantern
Light up the area with all three hues of Froglight
Place Ochre, Verdant and Pearlescent Froglights
Light up the area with some sea lanterns
Place a sea lantern
Light up the area with some end rods
Place an end rod
Let There Be Light!
Hold a stack of every light-emitting block and item
See requirement notes below
A Good Start
Chop down enough trees to collect a full stack of one log type
Barking mad
Craft a bark block
A Good Start
Obtain oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia or dark oak wood
Lost its bark
Strip a bark block of its bark
Barking Mad
Strip either oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia or dark oak wood using any axe
Professor Oak
Craft every type of item made out of oak wood
Lost its bark
See requirement notes below
Spruce Lee
Craft every type of item made out of spruce wood
Professor Oak
See requirement notes below
Professor Birch
Craft every type of item made out of birch wood
Spruce Lee
See requirement notes below
The Jungler
Craft every type of item made out of jungle wood
Professor Birch
See requirement notes below
The Acacia King
Craft every type of item made out of acacia wood
The Jungler
See requirement notes below
Professor Dark Oak
Craft every type of item made out of dark oak wood
The Acacia King
See requirement notes below
Mangrove Master
Craft every type of item made out of mangrove wood
Professor Dark Oak
See requirement notes below
Yay! I got my wood!
Collect every type of log
Lost its bark
Obtain oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak logs
Strip the bark off every type of log
Yay! I got my wood!
Strip oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak logs using any axe
Master Logger
Cut down a full stack of logs of all types
Obtain 64 of each of oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak logs
I don't like sand
It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere
Obtain sand
Use a shovel to create dirt paths
I don't like sand
Right-click a grass block using any shovel
Grass Type
Obtain every type of grass block in your inventory
Obtain grass block, podzol, mycelium, crimson nylium, and warped nylium
Place a Grass Block high in the sky
Grass Type
Place a grass block at y-level 280 or higher in the Overworld
Classy Glassy
Smelt sand in a furnace to get glass
I don't like sand
Obtain a glass block
What a pane
Craft some glass panes
Classy Glassy
Craft every color of stained glass
What a pane
Pane in the Glass
Craft a stack of all 16 colors of stained glass panes
Stuck in the Mud
Use a Water Bottle on some Dirt to turn it into Mud
Classy Glassy
Elmer Mudd
Craft or obtain all forms of Mud and Mud Brick
Stuck in the Mud
Obtain Mud, Packed Mud, Muddy Mangrove Roots, Mud Brick blocks, slabs, stairs and walls
Rainbow Sand
Craft concrete powder using sand, gravel and dye
I don't like sand
Obtain any color of concrete powder
Concrete Evidence
Create concrete from concrete powder by dropping it into water
Rainbow Sand
Obtain any color of concrete
The Rainbow You Always Wanted
Craft every color of concrete
Concrete Evidence
Dig up some clay from a lake
I don't like sand
Obtain clay
Fire up that clay!
Obtain a brick block
Pot Planter
Craft and place a flower pot
Harry Potter
Place every type of plant in a flower pot
Pot Planter
See requirement notes below
The Terracotta Army
Craft every color of terracotta (stained clay)
Pot Planter
The Glazed Terracotta Army
Craft every color of glazed terracotta
The Terracotta Army
Rock Collection
Collect all the different types of rocks
Obtain cobblestone, granite, andesite, diorite, tuff, calcite, dripstone block, cobbled grimstone and smooth basalt
Rock Polish
Craft every type of polished block
Rock Collection
Obtain polished andesite, diorite, granite, deepslate, basalt and blackstone
Fake stronghold
Craft or obtain all forms of normal, cracked, mossy and chiseled stone bricks
Rock Polish
Obtain stone brick and mossy stone brick blocks, slabs, stairs and walls, and cracked and chiseled stone bricks
Jailhouse Block
Craft or find some iron bars
Fake stronghold
Creepers and Withers
Engrave sandstone with creeper and wither patterns
Jailhouse Block
Obtain chiseled sandstone and chiseled red sandstone
Built on Sand, Set in Stone
Craft or collect a stack of all forms of Sandstone and Red Sandstone
Creepers and Withers
See requirement notes below
Deepslate Conspiracy
Craft all forms of Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Bricks and Deepslate Tiles
Fake stronghold
See requirement notes below
Fake fortress
Craft or collect all forms of nether brick and red nether brick
Grim Reaper
See requirement notes below
Greek Art Decor
Craft all forms of quartz blocks
Fake fortress
Obtain quartz and smooth quartz blocks, slabs and stairs, quartz pillars and bricks and chiseled quartz blocks
Fake monument
Craft or collect all forms of prismarine blocks
Greek Art Decor
Obtain prismarine, dark prismarine and prismarine brick blocks, slabs, stairs, and prismarine walls
No Chain, No Gain
Craft a chain using an iron ingot and iron nuggets
Greek Art Decor
Craft all forms of Blackstone, Polished Blackstone and Polished Blackstone Bricks
No Chain, No Gain
See requirement notes below
It's original form
Use your furnace to smelt cobblestone back into normal stone
Rock Collection
Obtain a block of stone
Smooth, dude!
Smelt normal stone further into smooth stone
It's original form
Blast it!
Upgrade your furnace to a blast furnace using iron and smooth stone for smelting ores quicker
Smooth, dude!
Sharpening Station
Craft a grindstone using a stone slab, planks and sticks for repairing tools
It's original form
Classic Pocket Edition Block
Craft a stonecutter using stone and an iron ingot
Sharpening Station
Agent Smithing Table
Craft a smithing table
Classic Pocket Edition Block
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble!
Fill a cauldron using a bucket
Agent Smithing Table
Hot Tub
Sit in a cauldron filled with lava
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble!
Enter a lava cauldron
Washing Machine
Use a cauldron to clean leather armor, a banner and a shulker box
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble!
Slabs For Days
Obtain the following slabs: Stone, Sandstone, Cobblestone, Brick, Stone Brick, Nether Brick, Quartz, Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Red Sandstone, Purpur, Prismarine, Prismarine Brick, Dark Prismarine, Smooth Stone, Polished Granite, Mossy Stone Brick, Polished Diorite, Mossy Cobblestone, End Stone Brick, Smooth Sandstone, Smooth Quartz, Granite, Andesite, Red Nether Brick, Polished Andesite, Diorite, Cut Sandstone, Cut Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone, Crimson, Warped, Blackstone, Polished Blackstone, Polished Blackstone Brick, Cut Copper, Exposed Cut Copper, Weathered Cut Copper, Oxidised Cut Copper, Waxed Cut Copper, Waxed Exposed Cut Copper, Waxed Weathered Cut Copper, Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper, Cobbled Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Brick, Deepslate Tile, Mangrove, Mud Brick
Ah, my old enemy...
Obtain the same stairs as there are slab types (see above), excluding: Smooth Stone, Cut Sandstone and Cut Red Sandstone
Crazy Walls
Obtain the following walls: Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Brick, Prismarine, Red Sandstone, Mossy Stone Brick, Granite, Stone Brick, Nether Brick, Andesite, Red Nether Brick, Sandstone, End Stone Brick, Diorite, Blackstone, Polished Blackstone, Polished Blackstone Brick, Cobbled Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Brick, Deepslate Tile, Mud Brick
Fruit of the Looms
Obtain the following banner patterns: Flower Charge, Creeper Charge, Skull Charge, Thing, Globe and Piglin
Delicious, Hot Schmoes!
Place on a campfire: Raw Porkchop, Raw Beef, Raw Chicken, Raw Cod, Raw Salmon, Potato, Raw Mutton, Raw Rabbit, Kelp
Let There Be Light!
Obtain a stack of: Glowstone, Jack o' Lanterns, Redstone Lamps, Sea Lanterns, Sea Pickles, Shroomlight, Lanterns, Campfires, End Rods, Torches, Soul Fire Lanterns, Soul Fire Torches, Ender Chests, Redstone Torches, Magma Blocks, Crying Obsidian, Soul Campfires, Amethyst Cluster, Small, Medium and Large Amethyst Buds, Glow Lichen, Glow Berries, every type of Candle, Ochre, Verdant and Pearlescent Froglights The following do not need to be obtained even though they emit light: Beacons, Conduits, Furnaces, Blast Furnaces, Smokers, Redstone Ore, Brewing Stands, Brown Mushrooms, Dragon Eggs, Sculk Sensors, Sculk Catalysts and any other light-emitting blocks not mentioned
Professor Oak Spruce Lee Professor Birch The Jungler The Acacia King Professor Dark Oak Mangrove Master
For the respective type of wood, obtain: Planks, Log, Wood, Stripped Log, Stripped Wood, Slab, Pressure Plate, Fence, Trapdoor, Fence Gate, Stairs, Button, Door, Boat, Chest Boat and Sign. Saplings and Leaves are not required.
Harry Potter
Place the following in a flower pot: Dandelion, Poppy, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, White Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose, Oak Sapling, Spruce Sapling, Birch Sapling, Jungle Sapling, Acacia Sapling, Dark Oak Sapling, Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Fern, Dead Bush, Cactus, Bamboo, Crimson Fungus, Warped Fungus, Crimson Roots, Warped Roots, Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Mangrove Propagule
Built on Sand, Set in Stone
Obtain a stack of: Sandstone blocks, slabs, stairs, walls; Smooth Sandstone blocks, slabs, stairs; Cut Sandstone blocks, slabs; Chiseled Sandstone, Red Sandstone blocks, slabs, stairs, walls; Smooth Red Sandstone blocks, slabs, stairs; Cut Red Sandstone blocks, slabs; Chiseled Red Sandstone
Deepslate Conspiracy
Obtain: Cobbled Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Brick and Deepslate Tile blocks, slabs, stairs, walls; (regular) Deepslate, Chiseled Deepslate, Cracked Deepslate Bricks and Cracked Deepslate Tiles
Fake Fortress
Obtain: Nether Brick and Red Nether Brick blocks, slabs, stairs, and walls; Nether Brick Fence, Cracked Nether Bricks and Chiseled Nether Bricks
Obtain: Blackstone, Polished Blackstone and Polished Blackstone Brick blocks, slabs, stairs, and walls; Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks, Chiseled Polished Blackstone and Gilded Blackstone
Every painting is listed on Minecraft wiki at