Совершенно новая вкладка, которая берет некоторые достижения, связанные с монстрами, из вкладки «Приключения» оригинальной игры и значительно расширяет их уникальными достижениями и испытаниями
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Совершенно новая вкладка, которая берет некоторые достижения, связанные с монстрами, из вкладки «Приключения» оригинальной игры и значительно расширяет их уникальными достижениями и испытаниями
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перевод потом будет, пока что хотя бы так
Battle against the monsters of this world
Obtain a wood, stone, iron, gold or diamond sword
Monster Hunter
Kill any hostile monster
See requirement notes below
Dead Don't Die
Kill a zombie
Monster Hunter
There has to be another way...
Kill a zombie villager
Dead Don't Die
Iron Belly
Stop starvation using rotten flesh
There has to be another way...
Eat rotten flesh
Desert Nomad
Kill a husk
Iron Belly
Zombie Slayer
Collect a stack of rotten flesh
Desert Nomad
Dead Really Don't Die
Give a zombie a Totem... so that you have to kill it twice
Zombie Slayer
Have a zombie pick up a Totem of Undying that you dropped
Bring a husk to a tundra biome and then kill it
Zombie Slayer
Kill a husk in a snowy tundra, snowy mountain or ice spikes biome
Still Talking
Blow up a zombie with a charged creeper to get a zombie head
Obtain a zombie head
Family Reunion
Reunite all zombie variants (and their baby forms) in one place
See requirement notes below
Custom Boss Fight!
Give a zombie full diamond armor and a diamond sword... then kill it
Trick or Treat!
Defeat a mob wearing a pumpkin
Desert Nomad
Handsome Jack
Defeat a mob wearing a jack-o-lantern during Halloween
Trick or Treat!
Kill a mob wearing a jack-o-lantern
A Watery Grave
Defeat a Drowned in the briny depths. Gurgle
There has to be another way...
Kill a drowned
Tridented Shield
Block a trident thrown by a Drowned
A Watery Grave
Because I'm Aquaman!
Obtain a trident from a Drowned
Tridented Shield
Obtain a trident
Mollusc Man
Defeat a Drowned that is holding a nautilus shell
A Watery Grave
Captain Etho
Defeat a Drowned that is holding a nautilus shell and a trident
Mollusc Man
Ooh, Baby!
Kill a baby zombie
Dead Don't Die
Kill a baby zombie, zombie villager, husk, drowned or zombie pigman
Baby, baby, baby nooo!
Kill one of each of a baby zombie, zombie villager, husk, drowned and zombie pigman
Ooooh, Baby!
Poultry Boy
Slay the elusive Chicken Jockey
Baby, baby, baby nooo!
Kill a chicken being ridden by a zombie, zombie villager, husk or drowned, or vice versa
Spooky Skeleton
Kill a skeleton
Monster Hunter
Grind up some bones into bone meal
Spooky Skeleton
Obtain bone meal
Not Today, Thank You
Deflect an arrow with a shield
Block an arrow shot by either a skeleton or a stray
Kill a stray
Not Today, Thank You
Skeleton Smiter
Collect a stack of bones
Craft or mine a stack of bone blocks
Skeleton Smiter
The Undead Cavalry
Ride a Skeleton Horse
Skeleton Smiter
Bring a stray to a desert biome and then kill it
The Undead Cavalry
Kill a stray in a desert, desert hills or desert lakes biome
Spooky Skulls
Blow up a skeleton with a charged creeper to get a skeleton skull
Obtain a skeleton skull
Reunite all skeleton variants and their three-headed overlord in one place
See requirement notes below
Ew Ew Ew
Kill a spider
Monster Hunter
Poisonous Ew
Kill a cave spider
Ew Ew Ew
Spider Smasher
Collect a stack of string from spiders or cobwebs
Poisonous Ew
Does whatever a spider can
Spider Smasher
Kill either the spider or skeleton segment of a spider jockey
The Ghastly Eyes
Kill an invisible spider
Kill an invisible spider or cave spider
Pupil Poppers
Eat 1000 Spider Eyes
The Ghastly Eyes
What a creep!
Kill a creeper
Monster Hunter
Keep your distance
Kill a Creeper with arrows
What a creep!
Blast Shield
Survive a creeper's blast with your shield
Keep your distance
Block a creeper's explosion
Controlled Detonation
Persuade a Creeper to blow up using Flint and Steel
Blast Shield
Right-click a creeper using Flint and Steel OR a Fire Charge
Aww man
That was a nice life you had. Shame it had to end at this time time time
Controlled Detonation
Get killed by a creeper's explosion
Creeper Killer
Collect a stack of gunpowder
Controlled Detonation
Creepy Heads!
Blow up a creeper with a charged creeper to get a creeper head
Creeper Killer
Obtain a creeper head
Kill a mob while wearing the same type of mob head
Creepy Heads!
This works for: Creepers, Zombies, Skeletons and Wither Skeletons
The ender of ender
Kill an enderman
Monster Hunter
Ender Worm
Prevent an Endermite from maturing
The ender of ender
Kill an endermite
Damage a mob by teleporting into it
Ender Worm
Throw an ender pearl such that it hits a mob
Enderman Destroyer
Collect a stack of ender pearls
Plane Walker
Find and kill an enderman in all three dimensions
Enderman Destroyer
Kill an Enderman with an arrow
Plane Walker
Kill an Enderman while you are holding an arrow :P Also works with spectral and tipped arrows
Basketblock Championship
Kill Endermen that are holding every block that they can hold
See requirement notes below
Kill a witch
Monster Hunter
Miracle Drink
Drink milk or honey to cure poison when on half a heart
Drink milk or honey when poisoned AND on half a heart of health
Taste of your own medicine
Kill a witch with a splash potion
Miracle Drink
Gelatinous Cube
Kill a slime
Monster Hunter
Bounce onto a slime block from at least 30 blocks high
Gelatinous Cube
Land on a slime block after falling at least 30 blocks
Slime Squisher
Collect a stack of slimeballs
Iskallium Collector
Collect enough slimeballs to craft a stack of slime blocks
Slime Squisher
Termite Control
Kill a silverfish
Monster Hunter
The Phantom Menace
Get attacked by Phantoms
Monster Hunter
Take damage from a Phantom's attack
Ricochet Swoop
Deflect a Phantom's swoop with your shield
The Phantom Menace
Block a Phantom's attack
Phantom Slayer
Collect a stack of Phantom Membranes
Ricochet Swoop
Shoot down a phantom with a bow from 30 blocks away
Phantom Slayer
Kill a Phantom from at least 30 blocks away
Two Birds, One Arrow
Kill two Phantoms with a piercing arrow
Kill two Phantoms with the same piercing arrow from a crossbow
We'll handle this
Lure a Phantom into the Nether and then kill it
Two Birds, One Arrow
Kill a Phantom in the Nether
Now that's a lot of damage
Succumb to the Warden
Monster Hunter
Get killed by a Warden
If you can’t see me, I can’t see you
Look at a Warden with a Spyglass
Now that's a lot of damage
Stealth is Optional
Overcome a Warden in the deepest and darkest of caves
If you can’t see me, I can’t see you
Kill a Warden
Warden Frostbite
Bring a Warden to the surface of a snowy plains biome and kill it
Stealth is Optional
Kill a Warden in a Snowy Plains or Ice Spikes biome above y-level 64
Not Afraid of Heights
Bring a Warden to world height. It can’t be afraid of heights if it can’t see
Stealth is Optional
Have a Warden at y-level 319 or above within 10 blocks of you
House of Freaks
Summon five Wardens and have them all be within 16 blocks of the player
Not Afraid of Heights
Night Runner
Defeat all kinds of Overworld night mobs
Monster Hunter
See requirement notes below
Hell Hunter
Defeat all kinds of Nether mobs
Night Runner
See requirement notes below
Void Ender
Defeat all kinds of End mobs
Hell Hunter
See requirement notes below
Dungeon Crawler
Defeat all kinds of mobs from special structures
Void Ender
See requirement notes below
Monsters Hunted
Kill one of every kind of hostile monster
Dungeon Crawler
See requirement notes below
Monster Hunter
Kill one of the following mobs: Cave Spider, Spider, Zombie Pigman, Enderman, Blaze, Creeper, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Husk, Magma Cube, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Stray, Vindicator, Witch, Wither Skeleton, Zombie, Zombie Villager, Phantom, Drowned, Pillager, Ravager, Endermite, Vex, Piglin, Hoglin, Zoglin, Elder Guardian, Ender Dragon, Wither, Piglin Brute, Warden
Family Reunion
Be within 5 blocks of all of the following mobs at once: Zombie, Zombie Villager, Husk, Drowned, Zombified Piglin, and all of their baby variants
Be within 5 blocks of all of the following mobs at once: Skeleton, Stray, Wither Skeleton, Skeleton Horse, and Wither
Basketblock Championship
Kill Endermen holding the following blocks: Dandelion, Poppy, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, White Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose, Grass Block, Dirt, Coarse Dirt, Podzol, Sand, Red Sand, Gravel, Red and Brown Mushrooms, TNT, Cactus, Clay, Pumpkin, Carved Pumpkin, Melon Block, Mycelium, Crimson and Warped Fungus, Nylium and Roots, Rooted Dirt, Moss Block, Mud, Muddy Mangrove Roots
Night Runner
Kill all of the following mobs: Creeper, Skeleton (in the overworld), Spider, Zombie, Zombie Villager, Enderman (in the overworld), Witch, Stray, Husk, Slime, Phantom and Drowned
Hell Hunter
Kill all of the following mobs: Zombie Pigman, Ghast, Magma Cube, Blaze, Wither Skeleton, Skeleton (in the nether), Enderman (in the nether), Piglin, Hoglin, Zoglin and Piglin Brute
Void Ender
Kill all of the following mobs: Enderman (in the end), Endermite, Shulker, Ender Dragon
Dungeon Crawler
Kill all of the following mobs: Silverfish, Cave Spider, Guardian, Elder Guardian, Pillager, Vindicator, Evoker, Vex, Blaze, Wither Skeleton, Shulker, Piglin Brute, Warden Note: Pillagers must be inside a Pillager Outpost when killed, and Vindicators and Evokers must be inside a Woodland Mansion when killed
Monsters Hunted
Kill all of the mobs mentioned next to "Monster Hunter" above